Friday, June 1, 2012

Peep World: Real Life Fiction

Title: Peep World
Director: Barry W. Blaustein
Writer: Peter Himmelstein
Starring: Michael C. Hall, Sarah Silverman, Rainn Wilson, Ben Schwartz
Grade: C+
Synopsis: The youngest son of a dysfunctional family writes a fiction novel that turns out to be real. 
Good Movie For: Dysfunctional families, Jean Ralphio Lovers, pre-mature ejaculators

I've recently found that I have an inherent obsession with Ben Schwartz. Ever since Leslie Knope asked Jean Ralphio to "dance up on her" I was hooked. I watched Mr. Schwartz at an improv show in LA and was starstruck. I thought he was hilarious. I've since watched every episode of Parks and Recreation that he has been in, and have followed his new show House of Lies on Showtime. I normally wouldn't have watched this movie, but since Ben was in it, and I liked the rest of the cast, I thought I would give it a shot.

The movie was good. Amazing? No. Horrible? No. Good? Yes. There are many heart wrenching and humorous bits in the story. Although there are 5 different storylines weaving into one, it doesn't get confusing. The younger brother has reached this unthinkable magnitude of success, but his penis won't let him enjoy the hoards of vagina that will soon come his way. The oldest brother is the epitome of the golden child, but the ego crunching debt that has been building up has made him succumb to the relaxation of a weekly trip to the Peep World, a slimy sex shop hidden away in the outskirts of town. The middle brother is a failed Lawyer, whose balls have been cut off by his father. And finally the sister is a never worked actress who can't understand why she wasn't cast as herself in the remake of her life.

All in all, the movie was good. The characters were interesting and the story was engaging. I think that the best performance by far is that of Hall. His portrayal of the all knowing oldest brother who is actually full of bullshit is both heart wrenching and heart warming. The movie was good. Would I buy it on DVD? No. Would I watch it again? Maybe. Should you watch it? Sure.