Monday, July 15, 2013

The Writers Group That's Not Really A Writers Group

Since my realization that I lack any type of drive or will in my life, I have decided to join a local writers group. It isn't your typical sharing pages and destroy you to build you back up group (ok, not all writers groups are like that) it's a different type of writers group. The only way I can describe it is solo writing, but sitting in a group. Basically you shut the fuck up and get shit done, but instead of doing that by yourself where the temptation of Tumblr lurks across your computer screen, you do it in a crowded Starbucks where you feel less inclined to show people your strangely intense obsession with the show Criminal Minds and Dr. Spencer Reid. I should probably delete my tags on Tumblr. That's a paper trail.

 I was reluctant to join this group at first. It consists of other screenwriters who are some of my best friends so that was the main draw. I was in another group where everyone else was writing novels. I felt like the gimpy kid that gets picked last for dodgeball. And this guy named Stardust kept asking me what I was writing about. The comfort of these friends is what drew me in. I knew that Stardust wasn't going to be lurking over my shoulder. I feel a bit discouraged though. Why is it that I can't write on my own without getting distracted? Is there such a thing as onset ADD? I probably have it. 

Trying to veer back to my point, the writer's group has actually been a huge platform for me. I've only been going for the past couple weeks, but it's been good so far. OK. I haven't actually written anything yet, but I've been reading scripts during the session. That's good right? A step in the right direction. Well actually that's a lie. I wrote an outline for a short, but didn't muster enough drive to actually write anything past Fade In. I'm getting there. Slowly. Really slowly. Excruciatingly slow.

I think my point and the gist of this post is that everyone writes differently. Some feel more comfortable writing in a darkened room where the light that glares off of the computer screen is the only thing that illuminates your tear streaked face as you realize that you've fallen into the bitch known as the 2nd Act Black Hole. Others, like myself, need the structure and nagging eyes of other writers writing to keep me on track. I read a post by Amanda from The Aspiring TV Writer & Screenwriter Blog and she talked about how Diablo Cody could only write in a group with other writers otherwise she would be too tempted to look up the latest gossip on whatever D-list actor stumbled out of jail that day. Diablo Cody is me. I am her. Basically what I'm trying to get at is whatever way you feel comfortable, don't be ashamed by it. Writers need to write. Anyway they can. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

At Home Therapy Sessions

I've figured out what I lack.

It's consistency.

I'm a sprinter.

Well, not really.

I don't think I've ever actually ran a full mile in my entire life.

I need to become a marathoner.

Going to continue this chain again.

Hopefully it doesn't break this time.