Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Film School Lecture: You should write Fast and the Furious 12.

Today a class of potential screenwriters and I learned the harsh reality of getting new stories and scripts produced in the industry today. 55 spec scripts were sold in 2010.


The number of days it took Kim Kardashian to realize she shouldn't have gotten married.


As this number jumped onto the power point screen I heard mine, and many others', heart begin to break. Why were we here anyways? What the fuck are we thinking?

I sat there in shock. A mini life crisis had begun. Was I choosing the right career path? I should have just become a nurse like every single one of my friends. But as my full fledged panic attack was about to reach it's apex, I breathed.

Nothing feels better than watching the small blinking line zoom across the bright white computer screen as the words and thoughts from your head give it meaning.

I've chosen to go to film school.


Maybe I didn't choose to go to Film School. I wanted to go to film school. My parents probably would have disowned me already if i didn't finish school. So yea. I choose to go to film school.

A part of me aches, because instead of listening to a droning lecture for 5 hours everyday, I could be spending that time learning and growing on a film set. But I'd rather be watching Citizen Kane for the 27th time than working as a PA next to an extremely underqualified director.

All bitterness and angst aside. You do learn a lot in film school.

Here's to hoping that sometime in the future, my name will appear on a script that gets sold.

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