Friday, December 17, 2010

Prom Wars: The Tame Battle

Title: Prom Wars
Director: Phil Price
Writer: Miles Hainsworth
Starring: Ricky Ullman, Alia Shawkat, Rachelle Lafevre
Grade: C
Synopsis: The jocks of Lancaster Academy and the nerds of Selby fight for the right to party with the beautiful girls of ACS at prom.
Good Movie For: Ricky Ullman or Alia Shawkat Lubbbbers.

I've loved Ricky Ullman since he traveled back in time on Phil of the Future. I've also loved Alia Shawkat ever since she showed up as the lone Jewish girl in the sea of Christianity in State of Grace.

Now that I've fully professed my love you understand why I choose to watch this. I should really stop choosing my film viewings based on my love for the actors. I should start looking at actual reviews, but ehh. Whatev. This movie was ... alright. I'm happy to see that Ricky and Alia have done other projects after their childhood television shows. This wasn't a bad watch. Would I watch it again? Probably not. I do however give it props for being a bit raunchy for a high school based movie. High fives for you.

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend: My Girlfriend's Confused.

Title: My Girlfriend's Boyfriend
Director: Daryn Tufts
Writers: Daryn Tufts, Benji Smith
Starring: Alyssa Milano, Christopher Gorham, Michael Landes
Grade: D
Synopsis: Boy falls in love with girl. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl falls in love with other boy.
Good Movie For: Die hard Christopher Gorham or Alyssa Milano Fans

My main reason for painfully watching this movie was because I fit into one of those "Good Movie For" categories. I LOVE Christopher Gorham. My crush started when he played the lovable best friend Harrison in the TV series Popular. ever since then I've always had a soft spot for Mr. Gorham. I loved him in The Other Side of Heaven. So when I read his constant tweets about his new straight to digital download movie, I jumped on the chance to watch it. It's a kind of cute love story. There were many factors that I liked about it. I applauded the idea that the love story was not a young love at first sight that grows into the most romantic courtship of all man kind type of love, but that it was actually very real. A down and out writer meets a divorcee in a cafe. I also liked the younger brother's funny quips about his gum stardom. But other than that this movie fell short for me. I started to get annoyed of Alyssa Milano's character. Maybe it was the writing, maybe it was the acting, all I know is I wanted to punch her in the face at the 20 minute mark. Also it was confusing whose story it actually was. I assumed that it was Ethan, Gorham's character, but Jesse, Milano, was getting the majority of the face time. I guess that the twist ending was supposed to make up for all the hate that you built up during the movie, but for me it didn't. This wasn't really a good watch. All I can really say for it is that good thing it's short, and I happy to see Mr. Gorham working still.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Teen Wolf Too: I Love Me Some Bateman

Title: Teen Wolf Too
Director: Christopher Leitch
Writers: Jeph Loeb, Matthew Weisman, Tim Kring
Starring: Jason Bateman
Grade: C
Synopsis: Todd Howard, cousin of Scott Howard, starts a new chapter in his life, college. Unknown to him, he was selected to attend the elite college due to his connections with his teen werewolf cousin. Todd discovers his ability to transform, and soon becomes the star of the boxing team. But ultimately, Todd must decide whether honesty or popularity is most important to him.
Good Movie For: People who love the feel good lesson learned story line. Fans of werewolves, the 80's and the Bateman.

So the main reason why I wanted to watch this movie was because of the amazingly complex and oscar winning screenplay... Nah, I was in it for the Bateman. Ever since I saw Jason Bateman play the father struggling with his inner teenager in Juno, I was hooked, hooked on the Batester. Apparently during the time of it's release, Teen Wolf Too was a film the was not quite up to hollywood standards. Since then however, it seems that this film has found some sort of cult following. And by god, call me Charles Manson and sign me up. With all the corny predictability and usual story line, I all in all kind of enjoyed this movie. Quite possibly because I love Jason Bateman, and his comedic chops and quick wit is still clearly present even at such a young age. Now onto another installment of the Master, the Master Batester.