Title: My Girlfriend's Boyfriend
Director: Daryn Tufts
Writers: Daryn Tufts, Benji Smith
Starring: Alyssa Milano, Christopher Gorham, Michael Landes
Grade: D
Synopsis: Boy falls in love with girl. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl falls in love with other boy.
Good Movie For: Die hard Christopher Gorham or Alyssa Milano Fans
My main reason for painfully watching this movie was because I fit into one of those "Good Movie For" categories. I LOVE Christopher Gorham. My crush started when he played the lovable best friend Harrison in the TV series Popular. ever since then I've always had a soft spot for Mr. Gorham. I loved him in The Other Side of Heaven. So when I read his constant tweets about his new straight to digital download movie, I jumped on the chance to watch it. It's a kind of cute love story. There were many factors that I liked about it. I applauded the idea that the love story was not a young love at first sight that grows into the most romantic courtship of all man kind type of love, but that it was actually very real. A down and out writer meets a divorcee in a cafe. I also liked the younger brother's funny quips about his gum stardom. But other than that this movie fell short for me. I started to get annoyed of Alyssa Milano's character. Maybe it was the writing, maybe it was the acting, all I know is I wanted to punch her in the face at the 20 minute mark. Also it was confusing whose story it actually was. I assumed that it was Ethan, Gorham's character, but Jesse, Milano, was getting the majority of the face time. I guess that the twist ending was supposed to make up for all the hate that you built up during the movie, but for me it didn't. This wasn't really a good watch. All I can really say for it is that good thing it's short, and I happy to see Mr. Gorham working still.
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