Title: Prom Wars
Director: Phil Price
Writer: Miles Hainsworth
Starring: Ricky Ullman, Alia Shawkat, Rachelle Lafevre
Grade: C
Synopsis: The jocks of Lancaster Academy and the nerds of Selby fight for the right to party with the beautiful girls of ACS at prom.
Good Movie For: Ricky Ullman or Alia Shawkat Lubbbbers.
I've loved Ricky Ullman since he traveled back in time on Phil of the Future. I've also loved Alia Shawkat ever since she showed up as the lone Jewish girl in the sea of Christianity in State of Grace.
Now that I've fully professed my love you understand why I choose to watch this. I should really stop choosing my film viewings based on my love for the actors. I should start looking at actual reviews, but ehh. Whatev. This movie was ... alright. I'm happy to see that Ricky and Alia have done other projects after their childhood television shows. This wasn't a bad watch. Would I watch it again? Probably not. I do however give it props for being a bit raunchy for a high school based movie. High fives for you.