Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Girl In Progress: Having Sex Makes You an Adult

Title: Girl In Progress
Director: Patricia Riggen
Writer: Hiram Martinez
Featuring: Eva Mendes, Patricia Arquette, Cierra Ramirez
Synopsis: The coming of age story of a girl who comes of age. 
Grade: C
Good Movie For: Chicks who love Flicks

I typically will spend some free time sitting down and watching trailer after trailer for upcoming movies. Good or bad, I try to watch them all. The first 15 minutes at the beginning of every movie in the theatres is my favorite time. When the lights dim and the shine from the green ratings card shows up on screen the corners of my lips turn up into a faint smile. I watched the trailer for Girl in Progress, and I honestly was not interested in seeing it. It didn't really attract me. A mother who acts like a teenager and a teenager who acts like a mother. Been there, seen that. Also, I don't particularly like Eva Mendes, so that was another point in the negative column. Would I have watched this movie on my own request? No, but my friend asked me to come along with her, so I obliged. 

Honestly, I was quite surprised at how much I actually liked this movie. I thought that I would hate it, but it was alright. Am I going to buy the DVD once to comes out? No. But it was an hour and a half somewhat well spent. The storyline is a bit predictable and the situations are ones that we've all seen before, but I believe that the saving grace of this movie was Cierra Ramirez. Her spunk and demeanor on screen is really what kept me in. She owns this movie, while others around her seem to falter.

Ramirez is set on becoming an adult. In order to become grown she must have sex. As if that act is what propels everyone into adulthood. There are some truly funny bits in this movie, one of which involves a burnt condom. They should have just invested in some glasses a la left eye (RIP). All in all, the movie wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. If you particularly love come chick flicks you should think about watching this, on an uneventful sunday, for free, if it's on TV.

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