Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel: I'm Pretty Sure He Has OCD

Title: The Grand Budapest Hotel
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Director: Wes Anderson
Writer: Story- Wes Anderson and Hugo Guinness, Screenplay - Wes Anderson
Starring: Fucking Everyone Ever In The Existence of Man
Tagline: The fantastical telling of the world's best hotel concierge and his plight with prison, German Nazis, the death of his 84 year old lover, and the boy with an apple.
Grade: B-
Good Movie For: Wes Anderson groupies, fairytale lovers, cougar bait, people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I've never seen a Wes Anderson movie. Yea. I know. It's like I've committed murder or something. It seems like we're in a time where current film students think he is god, but I have not yet stumbled into his house of worship. This was my introduction. It's cool to like Wes Anderson. Right? I've surveyed a hundred hipsters and they all say yes. 

With all of this talk about Mr. Anderson in the halls of my schools, it's deplorable that it took me this long to finally grace my eyeballs with the magnificence that is his creations. But alas. I'm in the group now. I get it. I understand. 

I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel during a double feature movie day with one of my best friends. We're both movie people. She loves Wes Anderson, so I thought, shit. Win, win, win, win. Right? 

Yea. I guess.

The movie itself was, good. But the verdict is still out whether or not it is great. The story and the visuals were outlandish, outlavish, and out...luxurious? I fell in love with the world that Anderson created. With all of the stills that I've seen of his work you can distinctly tell that his mind is one that works in different ways than the normal mind, but that's good. That's what I want. 

Everyone that I have talked to basically worship thine holiest Anderson because of his masterpiece The Royal Tenebaums. I think maybe that should have been my introduction into Wesandersonity. I love the realms that he effortlessly creates, but I don't know if The Grand Budapest will outdo his greatest film. I can't find a pinpoint as to why this movie didn't surpass into the levels of greatness, it just didn't. It's a good film, but I don't believe it's great. 

Also, if homeboy doesn't suffer from OCD with all of the precision that he uses to create his visuals then fuck if I know what OCD actually is. 

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