Title: Savages (2012)
Director: Oliver Stone
Writer: Shane Salerno, Oliver Stone, Don Winslow (Novel)
Starring: Aaron Taylor - Johnson, Blake Lively, Taylor Kitsch, Benicio Del Toro, Salma Hayek, John Travolta
Tagline: Pot growers Ben and Chon face off against the Mexican drug cartel who kidnapped their shared girlfriend.
Grade: C-
Good Movie For: Polygamists, Sub-Par Drug Lords, Mexican Politicians, Cougars
I watched this on a whim. I was wavering whether or not to see it. I generally liked the cast that was in it, but I was apprehensive about the story. So when one of my best friends called me up and persuaded me to watch it with her, I agreed. I've been a fan of Aaron Taylor-Johson since he first appeared on my TV screen in Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging. So I was looking forward to seeing him in this. Yes. Even with the dreadlocks. Usually having one of my favorite actors in the film is a win for me, but this just fell short.
I don't entirely know if it was something that went wrong between the adaptation from book to screen, or if it was just too little amount of time to engage with the characters before the real shit happens, but it just didn't work for me. The story basically hinders on the two male characters and their love for their girl. Yes. Girl. Singular. They like to share. I just didn't see or feel the connection between the three. Because I didn't believe it, the rest of the film just didn't feel right. I wasn't rooting for them to get her back because I didn't believe they really loved her.
I had really high hopes for this movie. Reviews and interviews with Oliver Stone were stating this as his comeback. That Stone was now going back to his roots. If this is his roots, I'm not sure I want to watch those movies anymore. (No wait. That's a lie. I'll probably have to watch Platoon. It's on the list.) This fell short for me.
Also, I may just be completely disillusioned with the whole drug cartel because of the skewed views it has in films, but 10 million dollars? Really? You're making a big fuss about that petty ass bitch shit? Apparently the recession hits everyone. Including top notch Mexican drug lords.