Title: Ballet Shoes
Director: Sandra Goldbacher
Starring: umm ... Emma Watson
Grade: C
Synopsis: A young girl is adopted by her palentologist uncle Gum. Gum goes off on different adventures and in turn adopts three more little girls. The miss mashed family struggles to pay for their housing, and must struggle to find ends meat. The three girls are enlisted into a dance academy.
Good Movie For: People who love Emma Watson or love a slightly sobby poor becomes rich story.
I vividly remember being enrolled into a ballet school when I was about four years old. Not because I was dying to become a ballerina, nor because I had a passion for the ballet. It was because my crazy aunt bought me a tutu one year for Christmas. That was that. Tutu -> Ballet. I really and truly wanted to learn tap dancing, but at the time, a four year olds vote was always lost in the hustle. Looking back, I sort of wish I had stuck with ballet. Yea I was the tallest one in the group, and yea, I basically have the graceful equivalency to a cat with 1 leg, but now I have learned to appreciate the dance. Ballet Shoes was an all around good movie. Not an oscar contender by any means, but it was OK. I was sort of thrown off by the beginning though, but besides that it was pretty good.
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