Grade: C
Synopsis: Based on the childhood favorite, Madeline centers around the twelve little girls living in Paris with their teacher Ms. Clavel. Basically the school that the girls attend is being closed down, and they must figure out a way to keep them and the house together. While on this mission, Madeline and Peppito, the neighborhood hoodlum run into clown influenced trouble.
Good Movie For: Uber fans of the book and or television show and people who like to reminisce on their childhoods.
I wasn't much of a fan of the book Madeline, but I can recall sitting in front of the television screen on countless mornings watching Madeline while eating cereal in my pajamas. It wasn't my favorite show, but hey, you have to occupy your time before The Elephant Show came on (Skinnamarink key dink key dink). The movie was good. I liked it, but it was just average. Not one of my favorites, but OK. There was a couple of awkward moments though. I'm a stickler for the score of a movie of TV show matching the contents that are being shown. I just felt that the end song didn't quite fit the Partisan feel of the movie. I would rather of had another track other than A Wonderful World. I mean I'm not knocking the song. It's a great song. It's just I feel like it didn't fit. Minor complaints, but all in all an alright watch.
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