Title: Battle Royale
Director: Kenji Fukasaku
Screenwriter: Kenta Fukasaku
Grade: A
Synopsis: In a war torn Japan, the youth have revolted against the authority. In order to send the kids a message, the adults agree to select and send a high school class to participate in Battle Royale. Battle Royale is a 3 day no holds bar competition for your life. In order to win, you have to be the last one standing. If you don't kill, you die.
Good Movie For: Everyone ... well maybe not babies, and children, and squeamish people.
For the longest time, I've wanted to watch Battle Royale, so when I saw that it was available on NetFlix, I immediately bumped it up to the number one rental spot. I was expecting a really good movie, on account of it's semi cult following, and I must admit, I was definitely not disappointed. When you hear a story about a school murdering each other to survive, your going to expect some gore, but I don't think that I expected that much gore, but that's what I like about most foreign films. There not afraid to punch you in the face with a cascading fountain of blood. Sometimes I feel like American movies seem to water down the intellect and gore, as if dumbing it down for their audiences. My one drawback though was the lead female character, Noriko. She's left standing with two boys, and it seems like she has done nothing really to justify her survival. She's always saved by the boys, and I just sort of felt that she should have maybe been a more of a heroine rather than the damsel in distress. Besides that, I completely loved this movie, and it has definitely easy became one of my favorites.
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