Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Paris Je T'aime: Lost in love in the City of LIGHTS

I don't know where my obssesion with Paris began, nor do I know when this obsession reached such a high level. All I know is that I am in LOVE with the city of lights. A love, that is, an admiration from afar. I've never actually been to Paris, France, hell, I've never even been to Paris, Texas, but from the look of the pictures out of the city of love, I just sense that I'd fall deeply for it. I have tried however to study in the city, but a lack of students with innsufficent funds, and my two pushes to go to the beloved city ended in failure. Oh well, one day, someday, I be able to walk along the streets with my baguette and espresso in hand.

So because of my immense love for Paris, I am always up for watching anything and everything about the city. I've been wanting to watch Paris, I Love You for along time now. All in all, it was a really good movie. I enjoyed the different directors takes on the different areas of Paris. Some of them were better than the others, but all in all, it was good. Probably not one of my favorites, but it was good. I'd definitely watch it again.

My favorite short was probably the love story about two mimes who meet and fall in love in jail. I loved the little boy at the beginning with his gigantic backpack.

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