Friday, December 11, 2009

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past: It's like The Christmas Carol on Crack

Or should I say it's like The Christmas Carol high playing bongos, considering who the main actor is. You maybe wondering "with so little time, why waste you movie marathon on this?" Yes, I know, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past is not going to win an oscar anytime soon, but what can I say, I'm a sucker for a Rom Coms. The movie centers around a wheeling and dealing womanizer who at the end, like many typical Rom Coms, changes to become a sensitive romantic with a heart a gold. The only girl that can change him and his cheating ways is his true love, the one that got away. It was.... cute. Not the best chick flick in the world, but it was alright. Not my favorite adaptation of the Charles Dickens' classic, but it's ok.

I was quite surprised though, that Matthew McConaughey remained fully clothed for the entire movie, there were some questionable shirts that appeared to have an opening down to his belly button, but it was a piece of fabric none the less. This was quite shocking knowing that he's probably the biggest shirtaphobic in the world.

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