Friday, December 11, 2009

The Swan Princess: Oh How I Long to be Odette

Once I read the familiar title on the Netflix menu, endless nostalgia driven memories engulfed my mind. This was one of, if not the one, most cherished movie of my childhood. I remember sitting in front of out little television screen with my vhs in hand, just waiting for my turn to choose the next movie.

I think that it's every little girl's dream to be a princess and marry a prince. My dream was to be Odette. I loved her name, and I loved her. I thought that she was so beautiful and strong.

Alas, I never reached my dream of marrying Derrick and being rescued as a Swan. But this movie brought back many good memories of times past. Yea, it may not have that great of a story line, and the visual effects kinda suck, but the memories of my favorite childhood movie make this little gem priceless.

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